
Where are Muslim Mosques Masjid Palli in your city Is there any

As Muslims we should not divide the houses of Allah (mosques) and making divisions in the Ummah; 

What is state of affiars of Muslim Mosques at some places (Not all) ......

A common scene at some places in  Indian subcontinent ............there are 3 Masaajid which I can easily walk .......................
..........The problem is, one Masjid is labelled Deobandi, one is Salafi/Ahle Hadith, one is Barelvi............... 
They place board Sunni Masjid/ Salafi Masjid????(Obviously not all. but situation is worsening)

In other place (Kerala India) problem is same although name are different.................. one Masjid is labelled one is AP Sunni one is EK Sunni, Mujahid AP Mujahid Madavoor one is Jamaat Islami , 
etc.(In kerala Shafaee call themselves as sunni has two groups and Salafis call themselves as Mujahid has three groups) may ask, "I thought the Masjid's were the houses of Allaah; when did it change?!" 

What has happened to this Ummat who came for leading mankind ??????????????
What we are doing in the name of Islam?????????

Please brother Please ................It is still not late.......Allah will pardon everyone..........Till death door is open............ Please please brother sister please...DONT DIVIDE UMMAH ..

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