Islam is very clear and free from any doubts.But It is an open secret that Muslims Ulemas and scholars has difference of opinion on some Islamic Issues.Some of these are natural minor but group mentality has blown it out of proportion.General Muslims and non muslims having intrest in Islam are confused and misreading it.General Muslims are rather disparate and Impatient.This is attempt to show real picture without group mentality,and neutral way.May Allah help us.Requesting for dua.
Which Method Manhaj of Dawah is best:Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi on Metodology Nahaj of Islah and Tableegh
Another Topic Of Mulims Controversy and Debate is How to do Islah/Dawah Work. Muslim organisatios and people attached with them often argue in it.Which Manhaj/Methodology is correct ..Article written by Mufakkirul Islam Faisal Award winner Hazrat Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi from Book Tableeg e deen ka ek Usool.